SLMC Accreditation Unit Awarded WFME Recognition
The Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) which operates in Sri Lanka has been awarded Recognition Status by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).
WFME Recognition Status has been awarded for 10 years with immediate effect.
The SLMC is a statutory body established for the purpose of protecting health care seekers by ensuring the maintenance of academic and professional standards, discipline and ethical practice by health professionals who are registered with it.
The WFME is satisfied that the accreditation process, post-accreditation monitoring and decision making by SLMC when it accredits these medical schools and faculties is to an appropriate and rigorous standard.
The WFME Recognition Programme follows the same principles as a medical school accreditation system: evaluation of documentation, policies and procedures; a site visit; and a decision taken by an independent committee with reference to pre-defined criteria.
The WFME Recognition Programme aims to raise the standards of medical education worldwide, through ensuring that national and regional accrediting agencies are acting in an appropriate, robust and transparent way. The intention is for all eligible accrediting agencies to be evaluated by WFME or to an equivalent standard.
There are about 120 organisations listed in the Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical Schools (DORA). Thirty-four accrediting agencies have been recognised by the WFME to date, and a further 17 have formally commenced the process. A further 13 organisations are in communication with the WFME regarding their application.