A review visit to the respective medical school is carried out by the Accreditation Unit (AU) following the desk review of the Self-Evaluation Report (SER). The review visit will enable the review team to observe first-hand the teaching and learning processes, the facilities available as well as clarify any unclear areas related to the SER amongst others. Following is the general schedule for a review visit.

  9.00 Meeting with the Vice-Chancellor
  9.10 Meeting with the Dean
  9.20 Meeting with Phase-I faculty
10.20 Tea
10.30 Viewing Phase-I teaching and learning facilities and activities
11.30 Document review and discussion among the reviewers
12.30 Meeting with Phase-II faculty
13.30 Lunch
14.15 Viewing Phase-II teaching and learning facilities
15.15 Document review and discussion among the reviewers
15.50 Tea
16.00 End of Day 1
  9.00 Visit to the teaching hospital
(Viewing all the professorial units and one non-professorial teaching facility from each major discipline)
12.00 Meeting with Phase-III faculty
12.45 Lunch
13.30 Viewing community/family training sites
14.45 Return from hospital to faculty
15.15 Meeting Personal and Professional Development faculty
15.50 Tea
16.00 End of Day 2
  9.00 Meeting with students
  9.45 Meeting with administrative and non-academic staff
10.30 Tea
10.45 Viewing central learning facilities, e.g., library, computer suites and eLearning facilities, sports and recreation facilities, facilities for differently able students, hostel facilities, skills laboratory/centre, UMO, IQAC, etc.
13.00 Lunch
13.30 Document review and discussion among reviewers
15.00 Feedback discussion with the faculty
15.50 Tea
16.00 End of Day 3 and site visit